Hilton Santa Clara Tickets

Santa Clara

Explore all upcoming Hilton Santa Clara events in 2025/2026.
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Hilton Santa Clara

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About San Jose, CA

San Jose is a large city surrounded by rolling hills in Silicon Valley, a major technology hub in California’s Bay Area. San Jose is notable for its innovation, cultural diversity, affluence, and sunny and mild Mediterranean climate. Major global tech companies including Cisco Systems, eBay, Adobe Inc., PayPal, Broadcom, Samsung, Acer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Zoom maintain their headquarters in San Jose.
Looking for something to do in Albuquerque? Explore the complete list of entertainment and sports venues in the city. Heated sports battles, chart-topping entertainers, concerts, musicals, theatre shows, and colorful city celebrations are on the books.

San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA